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Beautiful figure representing a blue Tabby Baby kitty, brand De Rosa Rinconada. Ideal for people of small animal figures collection gift.
Measurements: Height: 6.5 Length: 8 cm Width: 5 cm
Design and Modeling All figuresofDeRosaCollectionsare made ina purely traditional processwhere you can seeeach pieceworkcarverandpainterexpert whogives them theircolor,thus achievingunique worksas twopieceseverexactly the same. In the pictures belowyou can appreciatethe different stagesof production.
Cast The creation processstarts fromclaywhichallows oursculptorsconvey warmthand expressivenessto their works, allreflectingthe samesentimentthat onlyartists canoffer.
Carved Our workshave a uniqueand unmistakablestyle thatgives it, the fact thateach iscarved byhighly skilled craftsmen, giving them life andgrace in everycorte.Cadadealer hasa different style andalthough they shouldalwaysfit theoriginal modelwill become apparentdifferences betweenone piece andanother.
Painting Once thepiece has beencarvedand thenbakedin its firststage(1000degrees)the spongeto becolored,work done byexpertsapplyingglazespaintersbrushis obtained.
Baked After beingpaintedfigures shouldhappen againto firethe kilns, this time 1100 degreesareneeded to makethe glazesusedto achievethe maximum brightnessand texture.Depending on the colorswhicharecarriedeach pieceto bebakedFigures3, 4andup to five timessinceall colorsnotmelt atthe same temperature.
Application ofprecious metals Finallythe application ofgold and platinumgivesthe finalpiececharm,turning it into ajewelceramics.