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1. Silver can be oxidized in contact with some skins , there are people who produce PH ( sweat) on their skin that makes silver to darken abruptly or yellow, there are also people who have the opposite effect, but it is usually more common first , although not very common, most people do not PH has no effect on silver.

Two . When storing your jewelry in the jewelry store so it is advisable to separate them from scratches and to be a plastic packet with auto shutoff to prevent jewel silver turns black , because if not used , it is normal to be in contact with air and moisture blackened effect occurs if the product has not been used for a long time and has been very black it is recommended that we bring to the workshop in the clean mechanically, if it only has a little dirty you can clean it with a green cloth moistened with a drop of soap , never use baking soda or other product as they will damage your jewelry .

Three . When the jewels are gems (stones ) of some sort, it is recommended that a professional cleaning and in many cases these gems can be organic in nature ( coral , pearl , turquoise , amber , opal , pearls ... ) and if not these can be conveniently cleaned irreparable harm because natural stones have their own personality, all are unique , therefore lovingly with them.

April . It is not advisable , showering, bathing , exercising, housework and even jewels used in certain jobs because they suffer a lot with this type of activity and deteriorate at a more rapid pace, also can suffer some accidents making any these tasks listed above , remember they are jewels and as such should be treated gently.

May . Jewelry with gems ( stones ) of organic origin ( Coral , pearls , turquoise ... ) are especially sensitive to chemicals like (creams , perfumes, sprays ... ) , try not to throw any of these or other products with jewels wearing them otherwise are gems (stones ) can deteriorate a sick and irretrievably .

6. It is recommended from time to time do bring the inspection and cleaning of those pieces that have stones (especially rings and bracelets ) because eventually your ouches may suffer some deterioration and thus these can mislead .

7. Never try to manipulate your jewelry, do not force close or tighten , if you need any adjustments on the parts , we will take the measurement and adapt to it if no additional cost .

8. Finally , if you ever have a small problem for which one of our pieces, are not carried anywhere, and we are tráiganoslas will repair at no cost , unless the problem comes derivative misused parts or that these have much time , and in this case we will give you a tighter budget to again show off his gem without an excessive cost .